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Dental Crowns

The improvement of tooth appearance, shape or alignment

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped restorations that are placed over teeth and can be made to match your natural teeth. Besides strengthening a damaged tooth, a crown can be used to improve its appearance, shape or alignment.

A crown can also be placed on top of an implant to provide a tooth-like shape and structure and functionality.

Dental Crowns
Dental Crowns
Dental Crowns

Who needs crown?

Dr. Joy may recommend tooth crowns for the protection and aesthetic perfection of teeth that have been

  • Chipped, broken, or cracked
  • Weakened by severe decay or infection
  • Worn down through bite irregularities
  • Impacted by large fillings

What are the advantages and disadvantages of all-porcelain crowns?

All-Porcelain Crowns Advantages

  • No Dark Line
    Unlike porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns , all-porcelain crowns don’t have a problem of a dark line as they are all made of white porcelain that perfectly imitates your natural tooth enamel.
  • Cosmetic Beauty
    All-porcelain crowns are translucent and smooth, matching the size, color and shade of your original teeth.
  • Non-allergic
    All-porcelain crowns are made of bio compatible material, so there is no risk of allergic reactions and gum irritation.

All-Porcelain Crowns Disadvantages

  • Fragility
    All-porcelain crowns are less strong and durable than their metal and porcelain-fused-to-metal counterparts. To make your porcelain crown stronger and thicker, it is necessary to remove more of your original tooth. Patients with all-porcelain crows need be more careful when playing sports and biting hard objects. Wearing mouth guards during sports may help you to save your teeth.
  • Worse Fit
    You need a professional dentist to fit the crown correctly onto the place where the tooth meets the gum, otherwise a bad fit may negatively affect your tooth appearance and function.
  • Greater Teeth Reduction
    One of the disadvantages of all-porcelain crowns is the fact that they need more reduction of tooth structure, even more than in case of porcelain-fused-to-metal crowns.
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